Greetings! It's been a long time since I've updated this blog with some pictures and events in my life. So here's an update.
You know when you are in the car, driving pass Kuala Lumpur, the heart of Malaysia, you'll see tourist walking at the streets and never take notice of them? That's what I do. But today, I was the tourist walking in the streets of KL.
Phish and I decided to go to Petaling Street to snap some pictures for her Photography assignment. So we took the U63 bus to Pasar Seni and when we reached, we took out our DSLR camera. Well, mine was borrowed so, thank you Nic for lending me your DSLR!! =D
Immediately after putting the DSLR camera strap around our neck and let the camera dangle to our stomachs, we looked like tourist. I'm serious.
Petaling Street |
Petaling Street |
Eventually, we left the place after walking around for 10 minutes. There was nothing there except shops and more shops. So we decided to walk around KL to look for a few picture to snap for Phish's assignment. Our legs set out on a journey that we did not expect.
We took a break at McDonalds and I bought Milo McFlurry! It's yummy and ADDICTIVE!! And there, we saw a bunch of Japanese boys. They are like, manga came to real life boys. The square faced with specs, the pretty boys with boots and tight, sexy shirts and handsome hunks. I couldn't stop staring at them. We left before I nosebleed. xD
We started walking the streets of KL and then as we cross the road, we notice an outstanding church. So we decided to go there. As we were walking towards that church (didn't ask for direction), Phish saw some flowers.
Random flower. xD |
Then we asked a guard from this hotel for direction after noticing we're not going any nearer to the church. I think we didn't understand what he had said but we moved on anyhow. We walked through a back lane and snapped a few pictures.
Bicycle |
The bicycle was a random thing. It looks old so i edited it to look even older. Pardon me for playing with it on photoshop. xD
So we moved on and finally reached the church.
The guard from the church asked us where are we from.
Guard : Are you from Japan or Korea?
Us : Uhhhhh
Guard : Are you Japanese, Chinese or Korean?
Us : Chinese
Guard : OHHH!! So you are from China. Ok, where do you want to go? I shall give u direction.
Us : Oh, ok. (listen)
We didn't tell him that we were local. So the conclusion is, as long as you are holding a camera, you are a tourist of KL. xD Anyway, after the stop at the random church, we moved on and walked to Pavilion. That journey was tiring. We kept walking and walking until our legs started to hurt. After the intensifying walk, we reached the place.
Fountain outside the mall |
Fountain |
So we went inside and our first stop was the food court. Both of us were hungry after the walk. After that, we moved to Times Bookstore just for fun.
1001 must hear recordings |
Punk! |
DSLR, Nikon |
We walked around more and spam pictures around...
Window of a restaurant. |
Phish's bag, abandon. |
Christmas decoration. |
Lamp of a random restaurant. |
Finally, we were exhausted and took the train home. The LRT was fine but the KTM was jam pack! My legs hurts but it was worth it. We now experienced what the tourists in KL are like. xD
Picture of me at the stairs of Pavilion. Taken by Phish. =D |
That's all!! Peace out!